Sermons on Job Volume 1 (eBook)

Volume One: Chapters 1-14

ISBN 9781848715493

eBook (ePub & Kindle)









Kindle ISBN


Original Pub Date


EBOOK ONLY – For the printed set, see Sermons on Job.

Also available, Sermons on Job, Volume 2 (eBook only) and Sermons on Job, Volume 3 (eBook only)


‘Dr Rob Roy McGregor’s translations of Calvin’s sermons have been received with great enthusiasm and gratitude.’ — DEREK THOMAS

Book Description

The name of John Calvin (1509-1564) is justly renowned in a number of contexts. The Reformation’s greatest systematic theologian, he was also a Christian strategist and transformer of society, as his enormous correspondence and his influence in Geneva bear witness. A prolific scholar and well-versed in the Latin of the academics, he also worked hard at communicating to ordinary men and women in his native French language.

Above all, Calvin was a pastor. Indeed, it has been said of him that he became a theologian in order to be a better pastor. Nowhere is that more clearly seen than in his sermons.

In 1549, the Campagnie des Étrangers, refugees who thought highly of his ministry, employed a professional scribe, Denis Raguenier, to record and translate Calvin’s sermons.

Thanks to the foresight of these sixteenth-century Christians we can still read the 159 sermons Calvin preached on the Book of Job on week-days in 1554-55. They abound in faithful and lively exposition, and remain one of the finest examples of evangelical preaching – faithful to the biblical text and thoughtfully applied to the individual and society.

In 1993 the Banner of Truth Trust reprinted a facsimile edition of Arthur Golding’s 1574 translation of Calvin’s sermons on Job. At that time the publisher expressed the hope that ‘Perhaps one day the massive work of retranslating Calvin from the original French into modern English will be done.’ That day has now well and truly come! Several new translations of Calvin’s sermons have recently been published (on Ephesians, Galatians, 2 Samuel 1-13, Acts 1-7, Gen. 1-20, The Beatitudes, Luke 1-2, etc.), and a new translation of Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion (1541 ed.) has also recently been added to this impressive list of volumes. Now, thanks to Dr Rob Roy McGregor, all of Calvin’s 159 sermons on Job have been translated into modern, colourful, and vigorous English.

This first volume covers Calvin’s expositions of Job chapters 1-14.

About the Translator

Dr Rob Roy McGregor is a graduate of Erskine College and Columbia Theological Seminary, and was ordained to the Christian ministry in 1958 by Second Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Dr McGregor taught English, French, German, and Latin at Boys High School and Hanna High School in Anderson before earning the MA degree in French from the University of South Carolina and the PhD in Romance Languages from the University of Georgia. He is Professor Emeritus of French and Latin at Clemson University, with publications on Jehan Froissart, Albert Camus, Voltaire, Charles Baudelaire, and Jean Genet.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Translator’s Preface
  1. The Fear of God: The Secret of Job’s Integrity
  2. Wealth, Integrity, and Responsibility before God and the Need for Sacrifice
  3. Sacrifice: A Ceremonial Acknowledgment of Sin and Spiritual Need
  4. The Role of Satan in Testing the Faith and Commitment of the Faithful
  5. God Permits and Limits Job’s Afflictions
  6. The Example of Job: Preparedness to Defend against Satan’s Assaults
  7. There Is a Just Reason for Affliction at God’s Hand
  8. Afflictions: God’s Just Judgments and the Proving of Believers’ Patience and Faith
  9. Receiving Both Good and Evil from God
  10. The Comforting of Those Who Suffer and True Repentance
  11. The Spiritual Danger of Negative Emotions, with Remarks on the Different Values Society Places on Women and Male Children
  12. The Detrimental Effect of Suffering on Believers’ Thinking
  13. Afflictions, Ever Possible, Keep Believers Humble and Dependent on God
  14. Devoted Service to God in Affliction or Prosperity Will Not Go Unrewarded
  15. They Who Plough Unrighteousness and Sow Travail Will Reap the Same
  16.They Who Dwell in Houses of Clay
  17. Despite Themselves, God Deals Gently with His People
  18. God Sends Afflictions to Bless His People and to Curse the Wicked
  19. Fearing God’s Majesty, Believers Realise Their Sins Are the Source of Their Just Afflictions
  20. God Exalts the Humble Who Persevere in Hope and Humbles the Wicked
  21. Blessed Is the Man God Chastises
  22. Adversities Are Necessary for the Maturing and Ingathering of God’s People
  23. Obedience Brings Savour to the Adversities God Sends for the Believer’s Spiritual Welfare
  24. How to Pray in Times of Affliction and to Control Our Appetites
  25. The Uncharitable Are Like Rushing Torrents That Run Dry
  26. Those Instructed and Confirmed in God’s Truth Will Not Finally Depart from the Right Path
  27. Man’s Allotted Time on Earth Is to Comfort Us in Times of Adversity
  28. Afflictions from God Serve to Humble Us and Bring Us to Perfection
  29. The Need for God’s Presence in Times of Affliction
  30. Being Just, God, When Chastising Sinners, Mercifully Makes a Way to Take Refuge in Him
  31. Following Wisdom Past and Present Prevents the Faithful from Becoming Parched Deserts
  32. Despite Appearances, God Favours Not the Wicked but Those Whose Faith He Tests
  33. God Alone Is the Righteous Judge before Whom We Dare Not Deceive Ourselves
  34. The Order of Nature Is to Teach Us about God’s Power and Strength, Human Frailty, and Reliance upon Him
  35. It Is Only Apparent That God Destroys the Righteous and the Wicked Alike
  36. God’s Just Judgments and the Role of Princes and Magistrates
  37. Under the Judgment of God’s Law, Sinners Seek Self-Justification, but God Provides Reconciliation
  38. Despite All Appearances, God Does Not Favour the Wicked, but through Affliction Works for the Salvation of His People
  39. God Endows Man, Made of Lowly Earth, with Life and Soul and Sustains Him
  40. Works Righteousness and God’s Sovereign Righteousness: Election and Providence
  41. Victorious Living in Times of Trial As Opposed to the Ingratitude of Seeking Death
  42. God Reveals His Incomprehensible Secret: Justification by Faith
  43. God Teaches Us Humility through Our Ignorance and Powerlessness
  44. An Argument against Free Will and for Prayer
  45. The Prosperity of the Wicked Contrasted with the Afflictions of the Faithful
  46. The Two Aspects of God’s Wisdom: Revealed and Concealed
  47. God Is Sovereign over All Things, Even Satan, but the Elect, While Cautious, May Be Confident of God’s Protection
  48. Confidence in the Providence of God
  49. The New Creation, Free Will, and Election: Understanding and Applying God’s Word Appropriately
  50. The Importance of Appreciating God’s Majesty and the Triumph of Faith in the Worst of Afflictions
  51. Overcoming the Devastating Effects of Afflictions
  52. God Uses Job’s Sins and Afflictions to Teach Us to Pray, to Learn Patience, and to Have Confidence in His Merciful Forgiveness
  53. Original Sin and Free Will or Only God Can Cleanse What Comes from What Is Unclean
  54. Why the Sufferings of Life If There Is No Hope of Resurrection?
  55. After a Lifetime of Battles and Being Changed into Christ’s Likeness, the Dead Shall Live Again
  56. Throughout All the Sufferings of This Life, God Always Provides Something to Gladden Our Hearts


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