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Tag Archives: The Providence of God

THE SHEER ORDINARINESS OF GOD’S PROVIDENCE What is so striking about the story of Esther is the sheer ordinariness and unobtrusiveness of God’s providential workings The book of Esther is vastly encouraging and reassuring. Nowhere is God’s name mentioned, but his presence is everywhere evident. Simply reading through Esther confronts you, at every turn, with […]

Category Articles
Date January 15, 2002

One of the most staggering verses in the Bible is surely Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who are the called according to his purpose.” What is so breath-taking is the scope of Paul’s conviction, “in all things,” and the unbounded assurance […]

Category Articles
Date June 1, 2001

The God who knows and controls is under assault. Self-described evangelical theologians such as Clark Pinnock, John Sanders and Greg Boyd espouse a form of inclusivism known as the “openness of God,” the major tenets of which hold that God’s knowledge of future events is not exhaustive, that God is often surprised by the actions […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000