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Topic Archives: Christian Living

On a rare Saturday visit to Swansea, which is the second largest city in Wales with a population of 150,000, I had another opportunity to visit Des Roberts at his workplace. Forty years ago he began his lifetime vocation of distributing tracts once a week in the main street. At first he stood outside a […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2001

In order for a Christian to live a life of God-glorifying worship, he or she must grow in the knowledge of God’s word. In other words, he or she must study doctrine. Let’s look at three reasons why sound doctrine is essential to true worship. 1] Doctrine provides a right understanding of God’s person and […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2001

It’s what mothers’ worst nightmares are made of – the last thing Jason and Trina Baker expected as they headed out into a blizzard in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on January 2, 1999. And because it was so unexpected, it was all the more horrifying when it happened. As they headed out into the gathering storm […]

Category Articles
Date February 1, 2001

Sinclair Ferguson Last thing at night, when our children were small, I often secretly watched them as they slept: there they lay, breathing rhythmically, almost imperceptibly, relaxed, at ease, enjoying “the sleep of innocence.” But man – perhaps especially a father – looks on the outward appearance. What of the heart on which God gazes? […]

Category Articles
Date February 1, 2001

Friday evening, December 1, Dr. Duane Gish debated Dr. Massimo Pigliucci for the fifth time. The debate was at the Church of Christ of Winchester, Virginia, before an audience estimated at 1200. Dr. Pigliucci, a native of Italy, has a Ph.D. in Botany from the University of Connecticut and is an Associate Professor of Botany, […]

Category Articles
Date February 1, 2001

A Faith Worth Sharing: A Lifetime of Conversations about Christ, by C. John Miller. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed. 1999. 152 pp. $7.95. This book, written by one of the more noteworthy Presbyterian evangelists of the twentieth century, was edited posthumously by Dr. Miller’s daughters, Barbara and Roseann. In an introductory note, they write: […]

Category Book Reviews
Date February 1, 2001

[This testimony of the new American President’s journey of faith been has widely circulated on the Internet. We long that his faith grow and he become a courageous and wise leader of the greatest nation in the world.] Actually, the seeds of my decision had been planted by the Reverend Billy Graham. He visited my […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2001

The phrase “Third Way” is so seductive. It suggests that the tension between the locked in polarities of evangelical and liberal, or Protestant and Roman Catholic can be overcome by a third option. “If only there were more discussion, prayer, trust, give and take, leading of the Spirit, our antagonisms could come to an end.” […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2001

“Blue Peter” is the most famous and popular children’s TV programme in Great Britain. This Christmas it chose the best children’s book for 2000. Most of us expected it to be the latest Harry Potter yarn which has swept the globe, but to our delight the book it chose was a new edition of Pilgrim’s […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2001

I’m writing about the “worship” service we attended Sunday, Christmas Eve morning. I suppose I’m typing these words as much as a catharsis as to inform you. Early on I decided that if I had to endure such an experience, I might as well take notes and use the event as a reservoir of illustrations. […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2001

The Tie No Longer Binds Former President Jimmy Carter’s “resignation” from the Southern Baptist Convention was intended to draw public attention—and it did. After all, it isn’t every day that one of the world’s most famous citizens denounces his denomination. Mr. Carter, now 76, has been America’s most active former president. His efforts at peacemaking, […]

Category Articles
Date November 1, 2000

The distinguished Dutch physician Bert Keizer went to London this week and gave a lecture at the London Millennium Festival of Science, at King’s College. He spoke of the rise of Modern Medicine after 1850, the study of the anatomical basis of the symptoms of diseases, the discovery of the bacterial causes of diseases, the […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

In early October, 2000, Dr Joel Beeke of Grand Rapids buried an elderly Christian. He gave the following letter to her children after the funeral (on 1 Tim. 1:15-17), detailing his last visit with her:- The last visit I had with your dear mother last week was quite special for me, so I wrote out […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

It’s two o’clock and the lamb race is about to begin. Led out of the barn, Horlicks, Bovril, Pepsi, Expresso, Chocolate and Little Bo Peep enter a field crowded with expectant children and parents. They line up. The children who hold the lambs are instructed about where they should be headed. A boy with a […]

Category Articles
Date September 1, 2000

The daily obituary colums in the newspaper increasingly catch one’s eye. One always glances at the age the deceased had attained. Dr Margaret Pollak was 77 when she died earlier this month (The Times, September 14). A London doctor, Peggy Pollak (as she was known) became intrigued by the wide discrepancies in young children’s development. […]

Category Articles
Date September 1, 2000

During June this year I was able with God’s help to make a fortnight’s visit to TIUMEN, ONOKINO, TOBOLSK, NIAGAN and PRIOBYE. In all places there is steady progress, much fervent prayer and faithful robust evangelistic preaching of God’s gospel with souls being added to the church. Nowhere did I find any spirit of complacency, […]

Category Articles
Date August 15, 2000

At the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in Long Beach, California a luncheon meeting was held (June 26) at which Dr Joseph Nicolosi spoke (so reports Jack Volkers). Nicolosi is an expert on therapy for homosexuals, and he told the evangelical Christians gathered there that homosexuality can be cured and that studies show […]

Category Articles
Date August 10, 2000

Three unrelated items all appearing in the daily paper on the same day have been enough to sound again the warning bells about the steady slide of our society. No doubt they are all true. They present obvious concerns for parents. We are aware that the subtle war for the minds of men is more […]

Category Articles
Date August 1, 2000

The late Dr Arthur Fawcett lectured on Church History in the Bible Training Institute in Glasgow when I was a student there. His doctoral thesis was published by the Banner of Truth as “The Cambuslang Revival”, and a worthwhile read it is. His unusual appearance, including the shocks of pure white hair on either side […]

Category Articles
Date August 1, 2000

On July 23 1999 Paquito, the seven year old son of Pastor Paco and Mrs Julia Orozco of Hermosillo, Mexico, finally died after three to four years of battling with leukaemia. Jim Adams of the Cornerstone Church in Mesa, Arizona, flew to Mexico for that funeral service, an occasion never to be forgotten. Paco reminded […]

Category Articles
Date July 1, 2000

A report of the Banner of Truth Conferences held in April this year: What a great privilege it is to be able to attend the Banner of Truth Youth Conference each year! Although it is a busy time it is a wonderful opportunity to see a group of young people so evidently enjoying hearing the […]

Category Articles
Date May 1, 2000

SESSION 1 The Conference commenced with the 300 men singing the metrical version of Psalm 65, and with prayer. Iain Murray then explained to the Conference that the sickness of Dr Robert Godfrey of Westminster Seminary, California, had prevented his attendance, and that Dr Sinclair Ferguson would speak instead of him. John Marshall opened a […]

Category Articles
Date April 1, 2000

A Key to his Courage John G. Paton was a missionary to the New Hebrides, today called Vanuatu, in the South Seas. He was born in Scotland in 1824. I gave my Pastors’ Conference message about him because of the courage he showed throughout his 82 years of life. When I dug for the reasons […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2000

There was just one occasion on which my wife and I attended Westminster Chapel during the ministry of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones. It was on Whit Sunday in May 1965. Thus it was with the greatest interest that we noticed that in the newly published volume of sermons on the book of Acts the very sermon […]

Category Book Reviews
Date February 1, 2000

This letter arrived from Paul Williams, the pastor of an Evangelical Church in Swindon, which triggered off a chain of thought. “Yesterday Ruth and I had some time off and went to Bristol. We were taken by friends to the George Muller museum there, and also saw for ourselves the vast orphanages. What a joy […]

Category Articles
Date February 1, 2000