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Topic Archives: Doctrines of Grace

A friend of mine asserts that no truth of Scripture moves him like that of election. When he thinks of the ignorant home in which he grew up, his friends and relatives still in darkness and his good-living neighbours still on the broad road to hell, tears of joy well up in his eyes at […]

Category Articles
Date March 6, 2007

THE PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS OF CALVINISM What, then, are the personal implications of Calvinistic thought and truth both in the life of the individual and in the ministry exercised by the individual ? by Al Martin B. B. Warfield describes Calvinism as ‘that sight of the majesty of God that pervades all of life and all […]

Category Articles
Date May 18, 2002

THE GOSPEL SPREADING IN SICILY, ITALY We were present in Santa Elisabetta for the dedication of their new premises and have seen many Christians and also a good attendance of non-Christians To write an article, especially in the summer season of 2001 in which the temperature reaches 35 degrees, is an enterprise, particularly if you […]

Category Articles
Date January 9, 2002

ARE YOU SURE YOU LIKE SPURGEON? “The doctrine of justification itself, as preached by an Arminian, is nothing but the doctrine of salvation by works…” , C.H. Spurgeon Praised by many evangelicals as a great preacher, Charles H. Spurgeon is considered a successful and “safe” example of a “non-theological” ministry. His works are recommended as […]

Category Articles
Date November 16, 2001

It is very odd how difficult it seems for some persons to understand just what Calvinism is. And yet the matter itself presents no difficulty whatever. It is capable of being put into a single sentence; and that, one level to every religious man’s comprehension. For Calvinism is just religion in its purity. We have […]

Category Articles
Date August 7, 2001

A number of writers of late have been trying to drive a wedge between Calvin and the Puritans. Thomas Torrance and R.T. Kendall are among the chief of them, while Paul Helm and Carl Trueman in particular have refuted their claims. The following quotations may shed some light on the issue. While we believe that […]

Category Articles
Date May 1, 2001

On September 2 Dr Joel Beeke, Minister of the Netherlands Heritage Reformed Congregation, Grand Rapids, gave three addresses to the Salisbury Conference at Emmanuel Church, Salisbury, England, on the theme, “Calvinism: Doctrinal, Practical, Experimental.” The Conference as chaired by the pastor of the Emmanuel Church, Malcolm Watts. The following report was published in the English […]

Category Articles
Date November 1, 2000

“A QUIET REVOLUTION” “A Quiet Revolution; a Chronicle of Beginnings of Reformation in the Southern Baptist Convention” by Ernest C. Reisinger and D. Matthew Allen, pb., n.p., Published by the Founders Press, and distributed by Christian Gospel Book Service, 107 pp. This book, written in part by the oldest of the Banner of […]

Category Book Reviews
Date August 15, 2000

The heart of the reformed faith – the heart of biblical Christianity – is God-centredness: the conviction that God himself is supremely important. We define all our doctrine in a God-centred way. Sin is horrible because it is an affront to God. Salvation is wonderful because it brings glory to God. Heaven is heaven because […]

Category Articles
Date August 1, 2000

To some it might seem unnecessary and even wickedly controversial to thrust upon readers any discussion of Arminianism. This might appear to be the case for two reasons. First of all, why should we revive ancient controversies and thereby provoke animosities that have long since died the death of old age? Arminianism takes its name […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2000

The start of the new millennium has many pundits wringing their hands about the future, but believers in Christ should he looking to the future with optimism. This may be the year in which the Lord returns. He can come at any time. Again, this may be the year in which we see the beginning […]

Category Articles
Date February 1, 2000

‘Essentially Evangelical’ is the name adopted by a group of evangelical ministers to a proposed organisation of individuals (and perhaps of churches) sharing certain convictions. The envisaged movement would not constitute a denomination with any form of centralised leadership, but would be a voluntary means of promoting co-operation. Other such groups already exist in British […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2000